It’s hard to believe that 2011 is almost over. It seems that just yesterday we were ringing in the New Year and here we are about to do the same for 2012. As I recently mentioned, it seems that time is going faster and faster each year. You blink your eyes and a day is gone; take a little snooze and a week is gone; go about your business and a month is gone; pause for a moment and look at where you are and the year is over. Sometimes I feel like, stop this merry-go-round of life, I want to get off. Not for good, just for a quick breather so that I can enjoy things a little longer and a little more.
I’m really not big on New Year’s resolutions, but an area I definitely want to change in 2012 is just enjoying things more than I do now. I can get caught up in what needs to be done, all the little details and preparation, and not enjoy an event as much as I could. Sometimes I have a hard time just sitting and doing nothing with the people I love and instead feel like I should be doing something. Only after I miss out on a great time do I realize that something that “just had to be done” most certainly could have waited.
In 2012 I want to spend more time with more people, be they family or friends, and just enjoy that time together, whether we’re having dinner, playing games, watching a game, just hanging out and talking, or even doing nothing together. During that time I want to forget the stuff that doesn’t need to be done right then and things that don’t need my attention, and just enjoy the time and the company. Maybe then it won’t seem that the merry-go-round is spinning so fast.
As 2011 slips away, I hope that you can say that it was a good year for you. I know it was for me and my family in many ways. Whatever your goals, dreams or resolutions, let’s make 2012 a great year, even better than 2011. Happy New Year!