I recently saw the “The Three Stooges” movie, which I wanted
to see from the time I saw the first trailer. It wasn’t an inspirational film,
didn’t have any deep message and was fairly predictable. Yet, I thoroughly
enjoyed it with three of my friends. We laughed so much at some points in the
movie that we missed four or five lines of dialogue. However, it didn’t really
matter, because this was, after all, The Three Stooges. No line of dialogue, no
one scene was going to be the key to the movie. The key to the movie was the
ridiculous slapstick comedy that went on between the three of them and
sometimes others.
Here’s the one surprise of the movie. At the end of the
movie the Farrelly brothers, who directed the movie, had a quick scene. They
explained for the audience that the props used to smash someone over the head
or in the face were just rubber or Styrofoam. They showed how they were used
and how by putting in sound effects it seemed like they were real sledgehammers
and crowbars. Seriously, you have to put that at the end of the movie? Why?
We watched the Stooges all the time when I was growing up.
They were on every day after school on the new local UHF TV station (those of
us around before cable know what UHF was) and we watched at least some of them,
if not all of them, while having a snack. They were probably on TV on Saturday
afternoons, too. Back then we would rather have spent our time outside doing
stuff than sitting in front of the TV, but the Stooges were special. We made
exceptions for them.
We could quote lines from the various episodes and do whole
scenes. If we didn’t know them exactly, it really didn’t matter. We weren’t
doing Shakespeare. For all the times we watched “The Three Stooges”, we never
believed the hammers, pipes, crowbars and any other devices that were used to
hit someone were real. In addition, when we imitated the Stooges and used real
devices, we didn’t actually hit the other guy with them. No, we were smart
enough to know that you could really hurt someone with them, so we faked
hitting someone. I don’t know of anyone who ever did what the Stooges did, but
with real tools, hammers, etc., and hurt someone else. Even though we were
warned by teachers, parents and other assorted adults that “someone is going to
get hurt”, no one that I know of was ever hurt in any way.
For all the so called violent shows we watched, we were not
violent kids. We didn’t try to blow up somebody like in the Looney Tunes cartoons,
or hit someone over the head like the Stooges, or shoot someone like they did
in the cowboy movies that were on TV. Sure, we pretended to do all that stuff
and even added in sound effects and a little drama as we slowly died. I just
can’t imagine the directors of Looney Tunes taking a moment to tell us not to
put a bomb under someone or to not put dynamite down someone’s pants, that it
was all just for entertainment and not to try it at home. I believe that was
something that parents did back then. I know my parents made sure we weren’t
really beating on each other and knew that it was not acceptable to be violent
toward someone else.
“The Three Stooges” hold many good memories for me, times of
hanging out with my brothers and laughing until it hurt. The movie did the same
for me and my friends. We laughed so much we had tears running down our faces
and our stomachs hurt at times. Much to the annoyance of our families, we
quoted the movie for a couple of weeks and laughed at nothing readily apparent
when something reminded us of the movie. However, let it be known that none of
us have hit anyone over the head with a sledgehammer or poked them in the eyes,
even without a warning from the Farrelly brothers.
Nice job Porcupine!