hard to believe that Labor Day has come and gone once again. Summer is over, at
least unofficially. It seems that this year was really dragging, feeling like
it was almost standing still, and then suddenly it whipped forward in a blur of
activity. The months of January through June were so slow it felt like there
were 40 days in each month. May and June were especially slow. They were like those
cartoon dreams where you’re trying to run away from something and you realize
you have cement blocks on your feet and you’re running in molasses. It seemed
like the 4th of July, and my vacation time, were somehow not getting
any closer.
June turned to July. I took my usual vacation during the week of July 4th
and felt like summer was mercifully here. I relaxed, went down to the Vineyard
and enjoyed some time with my wife. Then I made a huge mistake. I blinked and
it was the end of August. That’s all it took, a quick blink of the eyes and 8
weeks were gone. Scientists say that time is constant, that there’s 60 seconds
in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, and 7 days in a week. I
either just proved them wrong or I’m living in some kind of time warp, because
8 weeks just went by in the blink of an eye.
know that I didn’t pull a Rip Van Winkle and snooze through the whole summer
because I remember things happening and being part of them. My wife and I did
go down to the Vineyard while the kids were away in San Antonio at a
conference, and we had a very relaxing time with my in-laws, my wife’s sister
and her husband and their two awesome kids. We also went up to Vermont for a
weekend in late July to attend a family reunion for my wife’s family. We hung
out and talked with people we hadn’t seen in four years, we went tubing down
the Battenkill River, and we ate a lot of good food. My brother who lives in
Canada came down for a week or so and we got to see him and his wife at a cookout
with my family. We went to a couple of parties down the Cape with friends and there
were so many people in their back yard there was almost no room for my chair.
We had some friends visit from Texas and spent a great afternoon reminiscing
with them. We spent time with some of our good friends and counted our
blessings that we have such awesome kids. My wife and I celebrated our 23rd
Anniversary in August. Looking back now, I guess we really did enjoy the
summer is almost gone and fall is just around the corner, like it or not. As I
mentioned last
I’m going to enjoy any summer-like days that happen to come along over the
fall. There are still a lot of nice days to enjoy and it’s not like it will
suddenly be freezing outside. Who knows, maybe we’ll have another mild winter
like we did last year and we’ll be outside all the way to spring. Let’s just
hope the next few months don’t go by as quickly as the last two. I’m still recovering from the whiplash.
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