
My Family (a long time ago)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year! It is hard to believe that another year has come and gone and 2013 is here. The last few months of 2012 were quite hectic, with school plays and concerts, holidays, and the “project from hell” that seemed like it would never end. However, all those things, along with a lot of family time and happiness, are behind us now. Oh, and the world did not end in December.

I was surprised to see that I hadn’t posted to “8 of Nine” since the beginning of November. I guess I just needed a break. So, after a short hiatus, I plan to get back to “8 of Nine” in 2013. I hope that you will come back and read my posts over the coming year. I enjoy writing them and I hope you will enjoy reading them just as much.

Here’s to 2013 – May it be a great year for all of us.


  1. I hope you do keep writing. I love reading your stories. You are a talented writer.
    Love you

    1. Thanks for your continued encouragement. I love you, too.

